For the “How To” create a spaghetti dinner, I wanted to simplify the steps, without making it to complex to see what was going on. Seeing as we couldn’t use words for describing, minus the labels on the food products, this task was going to be a bit more difficult than I thought. For some reason when I was doing this assignment I naturally showed also how to make meatballs, because for me there is no spaghetti without the meatballs. After I was finished with this assignment I quickly realized that nobody else had shown meatballs being made with the spaghetti. I also realized I didn’t have a strainer in my design, which is a key step missing, but if they read my visuals correctly, you can tell the water has vanished after being taken out of the pan. I figured if I put a nice big final product, people would know exactly what they were going for, immediately after viewing the visual. It was a tough assignment, because without words, it’s hard to draw directions for a process as simple as making spaghetti.
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